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Massed Compute: Virtual Machine

Think it. Build it. Scale it.

Optimized GPU Resources

Our data centers across the United States are equipped with state-of-the-art GPU resources, specifically designed to handle compute-intensive tasks such as machine learning, AI, and scientific computing. By choosing our platform, you can be assured of reliable, high-performance computing capabilities.

Pre-configured Virtual Machines

We understand that setting up a development environment can be time-consuming. That's why we offer pre-installed and pre-configured virtual machines with popular tools and frameworks, allowing you to hit the ground running. Additionally, we collaborate with various communities to provide specialized virtual machines tailored to your needs.


Flexible Per-minute Billing

Our platform offers per-minute billing, giving you the flexibility to scale your resources up or down as needed. You only pay for the time you use, resulting in cost savings and optimal resource management. Spin up virtual machines when required and spin them down when finished, ensuring you stay in control of your budget.