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Massed Compute is a cloud compute provider that serves cutting-edge GPUs without bulky contracts and unnecessary up-sells. We provide adaptable, flexible, high-performance computing power to launch your AI instances, apps, analyses and machine-learning models.

Overview via Video

Quick Start

Create an account and deploy a Virtual Machine in under two minutes.

Create an account

Navigate to the Sign Up page and enter in your new account credentials. After you create your account you will receive an email to verify your email address and sign in. You MUST verify your email before logging in

Sign Up

Billing Setup

Adding Credit Card

Once you have verified your account and logged in, navigate to the billing page. Select the Manage Billing button to add your credit card

Manage Billing

Configuring Amounts

Once you have added your credit card then configure the amounts for your Initial Credits, Minimum Balance, and Recharge Amount.

  • Initial Credits - The dollar amount you want to initially add to your account.
  • Minimum Balance - Once your balance goes below this amount we will recharge your card on file to bring you back your balance back up. Minimum accepted amount is $5
  • Recharge Amount - The dollar amount that will be charged once the minimum balance has been triggered
initial billing setup

Deploy your first Virtual Machine

Once your account has some initial credits added via your first payment, you can then deploy a Virtual Machine.

  • GPU Type - List of all availabe GPU variations.
  • GPU Quanity - How many of the GPU Type you want available in your VM.
  • Category - Grouping of similar templates
  • Image - Which Virtual Machine template you want to be present on the VM
  • Coupon Code - Allows for a discount on the price per hour listed

Each Virtual machine does require an Image to deploy. You can explore and discover various Categories and images on our Browse page within the application.

Before you deploy a Virtual Machine you will be able to see the specs of the machine as well as the cost per hour to rent the GPU.

deploy example

