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Deploy allows you to select the hardware and image to deploy a new Virtual Machine. There are 4 main ingredients needed to deploy a Virtual Machine


  • GPU Type: What type of graphics card should be in the Virtual Machine.
  • GPU Quantity: How many card of that type should be available to the Virtual Machine.
  • Docker Container: This is the Docker image name. For example the Ollama docker container you would enter ollama/ollama
  • Docker Run Command: You can modify the docker run command with various additional flags.

A coupon code can be applied to adjust your rental price per hour.

After selecting your Virtual Machine configuration below the Deploy button, you will see the hardware spec and the price per hour of running that Virtual Machine.


The docker run command can still be running even though you can access the Virtual Machine. It may take some time before the command completes and the container is active.

docker example
